Your next wild success

on Apr 12, 2012

Beyond your wildest success lies your next even wilder success. Well, of course, but what I mean is that, you’ve got to go beyond all of the strategies that created your last success, and get back to …

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No smarter than you

on Apr 11, 2012

Instagram is awesome, and $1 billion is a lot of money, but let’s not lose sight of what’s important here.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvEiSa6_EPA]

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How to save the human species

on Apr 11, 2012

The deeper you get into how messed up our current system is, the more clear it is that the change is going to be chaotic and messy.

Take food, for example. All evidence suggests that eating animal-bas…

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Speaking of fish

on Apr 11, 2012

For more on fish, check out this awesome TED talk by Dan Farber:

It’s yet another example of how fucked up our relationship with food is, and how tone-deaf we are about it.

Feeding chicken to fish?

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The definition of success

on Apr 10, 2012

Richard Branson and Desmond Tutu throwing water at each other:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nj70CY-pAg]

Richard Branson:

“You’ve got to realize money is not the definition of success. You…

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